You can visit my web page at or
It’s full of articles on Astrology in English and Spanish
I have been a student of Astrology for the past 40 years although my knowledge of this ancient Art has come to me long before that, without me realizing it.
I’ve had my private practice for over 30 years in England and Spain.
I hold certificates on  Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. Have participated and trained in group and individual Family Constellations for over 10 years
I am also a dancer and a fitness instructor. Have practiced the 5Rhythms of Gabrielle Roth for a few years and have trained in Systemic Shamanism with Daan Van Hampenhout.
My work consists in helping people understand their Fate so that perhaps, that can help them to exercise their Free Will.
Learning to experience the Here and Now, helps us cope with life in a more authentic and gracious fashion.
I do readings over the phone through Skype, and I also answer personal questions through my blog.
You can contact me at or
Click on Personal Readings and you’ll find directions how to do it.
Find me @ Twitter: Astrologyworks or @ Facebook: Astrología Arquetípica
You can write to me:

8 thoughts on “About

  1. I likeThink Your Blog is Great what You Say and How You Say it !!!

    ThankYou for The Insights !!!

    Best Wishes!!!

    Best Regards !!!

    Blessings !!!


    1. Thank you so much Jorge. Where do you write from? HAve been a bit slow this month due to moving houses. I’ll be back with a force as from next week.
      Thank you for your time!


  2. I am from Mexico City. Here a Taurus Asc Leo Moon in Libra !!!

    ThankYou Cristina Laird I am Reading all Your Great Articles really Insightfil and Door Opening !!!

    Yes i also hope This Mercury finishes with the slow with Computers and electronics but i Find You and Your Great Posts and Mercury is also helping me to see Details on many things so i am trying to make the most of it !!!

    Best Wishes!!!

    Best Regards !!!!

    Blessings !!!


  3. Hi Cristina, I would love to know more about your readings via Skype. Unfortunately I can’t access the link on your website due to not having a password; also, I sent an email which for some reason I received back – so I’m not sure you received it. Please advise as to how to get this information. Regards, Maria


    1. María, I hope you received my answer to your questions. My web page is fixed, so you can now go to private readings and it will not ask you for a password!


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