FULL MOON in Capricorn coinciding with Summer/Winter SOLSTICE – June 21st, 2024

This Full Moon is special in many ways. It is the “first” Full Moon in Capricorn, with the second one on July 21st. This first one, which coincides with the Summer/Winter Solstice, forms exactly at 1º Capricorn 07′, and the second at 29º Capricorn 09′. Two full moons in the Cancer-Capricorn axis, offering two opportunities to understand what these two signs are telling us, and what is being “cooked up” in the dialogue between these two signs.

Cancer, where the Sun walks from June 20th at 20:51 GMT, speaks to us about our family, our tribe, the place from which we emerge into life. It’s about the kind of family environment, principles, and values we absorb from our society. Capricorn connects us with the social environment we belong to or aspire to belong to. The social status of the family we came from or the one we seek once we are individuated. Cancer is what we create as a family, that space where we feel included, protected, and safe, while Capricorn speaks of our professional image. What we offer to society begins with this sign. It’s like personal work guided by our own need for individuation and our personal achievements.

During the full moons between these two signs, we face the dilemma of prioritizing one thing or the other: family life and/or our personal achievements. We might find that our personal achievements or profession distance us from family values or vice versa. We might realize that to achieve our professional ambitions, we need to sacrifice time with family. It might also confront us with the very Capricorn idea that our profession was already determined by the family (lawyer father, lawyer child), and we need to meditate on this. Have I followed the family pattern, or does my profession describe me as an individual? Are my achievements mine or inherited? Cancer confronts us with the need to find “home,” whatever that means to each of us, and Capricorn with our professional achievements and social image. Cancer is what is inherited, and Capricorn what is planned.

In this first Full Moon in Capricorn, the Sun is accompanied by Venus and Mercury, still walking together, so the Moon opposes this group of planets in the sign of Cancer, illuminating with a flashlight the natural discussion between these two signs. Mars, marching through Venus’ sign, Taurus, forms a trine with the Moon in Earth signs, leaning the conversation towards financial and professional security. What to do to generate more money? And also, how can I better use this extra money I have generated, if that was the case?

We also have a T-square out of sign between Neptune and the Moon and the Sun, which grants a connection we can call cosmic, as it offers us a bridge to the beyond, to something much larger than our small daily reality. It can be quite uncomfortable as we will find it difficult to concentrate and stay focused on everything we have decided, or to remain faithful to the original idea of a project. Even so, this can greatly favor a project that involves helping the disadvantaged or creative adventures. Something shows us our connection with all humanity, reminding us that despite speaking different languages, having different skin tones, following different gods, or passing through airports with passports of various colors, at the core of our being, we are all Homo Sapiens. It can often bring us some kind of disappointment in something we had high hopes for, as Neptune shows us the immeasurability of human imagination and the difficulty of making something a reality as we had conceived it. This is also supported by the fact that Nessus, the centaur who indirectly took down Hercules, the hero, is in conjunction with Saturn, who is the ruler of this Moon in Capricorn. Above all, this is a creative Full Moon that makes us want to have a good time (Venus opposes the Moon), to enjoy in the company of loved ones, in a safe environment. In Spain, the festivities of San Juan will be bigger than ever, I imagine. The Spanish people celebrate San Juan more than the Solstice, lighting huge bonfires in squares or at the beach to bring light to the darkness that starts the day after the longest day of light in NH. It was apparently the Catholic Church that united the two festivities: the Solstice and the birth of St John.

Above all, this is a creative Full Moon that makes us want to have a good time (Venus opposes the Moon),and enjoy the company of loved ones in a secure environment.

The Solstice that starts Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and Winter in the Southern Hemisphere signifies opposite things. For the North, it is the longest day of the year, and for the South, the shortest. One invites outward activity and the other inward reflection. For one is the beginning of darkness for the other the beginning of light. Depending on where you are on this magnificent blue planet we call home, meditate on the opportunities you have on the table and specifically, what needs to be transformed, brought into the 21st century, that is still tying you to the past, holding you back, preventing you from moving forward.

This Full Moon and the next one in July, affects particularly the cardinal signs: Aries-Cáncer-Libra-Capricorn who might already find themselves in the kind of predicament described above. The area of our birthchart you have those signs is where this dilemma might unfold.

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