FULL MOON in Scorpio, the JUPITER-URANUS Conjunction and VENUS being rescued by CHIRON- May 23rd, 2024

Just a few days since the last eclipse and on our way to the exact conjunction of Zeus (Jupiter) with his grandfather Uranus and we are still alive and for some, life doesn’t seem much different than a month ago. But for many others, these first two eclipses of the year have marked a before and after, with events triggered by the first Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th, or around that time, and amplified by the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th, although for many the latter brought a kind of resolution or new vision to the issues ignited by the first. That is the nature of eclipses. Many physically suffered from various ailments, and some also found some kind of resolution in the total solar eclipse. Despite a wide variety of expressions as is typical in matters concerning us humans, the central theme has been that of relationships, as indicated by the Aries-Libra angle. Not only romantic relationships but also work, mother-father-children, friends, etc., and perhaps most importantly, it has thrown us into questioning who our real friends and true life companions are.

And now we are on our way to, or at the doorstep of, the Full Moon in Scorpio, forming a T-square to its dispositor Pluto in Aquarius. Something like a double whammy of Scorpio or Plutonian energies , which at the very least is extremely uncomfortable. Why? Because it has an effect similar to that of the eclipse in that it pushes us to see what we normally hide under the carpet. Firstly, because a simple human personal psyche cannot comprehend the message of this little planet we have named Hades, the God of the Underworld, the Great Below, reminding us among other things of the Dark Matter that makes up parts of the Universe that we still do not understand, as we do not fully comprehend the Plutonian underworld. Above all, Pluto connects us with the inner beast, one that is only interested in survival and perpetuate the species, to avoid extinction. A world without kindness or wickedness, or even values that we recognize as human. Just pure and hard survival. Something like the Jungle, where it’s about the survival of the fittest and most cunning. Uncomfortable? Yes. Because our Jupiter and Saturn tell us that integrity and human values prevent us from wandering these fields, without feeling remorse and guilt and yet we continue to create spaces of war, where we are thrown into the realms led by Hades.

Full moons bring us closer to some type of conclusion of something that has completed its cycle or its function in our personal growth. Many of you will be ending stories that were triggered by this season of eclipses or those of October 2023. On that dark path where we see what we do not want to see, we find great truths that, although uncomfortable, help us grow and from where the greatest creativity emerges.

This Full Moon in Scorpio square to Pluto reminds us of Inanna’s journey to rescue her sister Ereshkigal, the goddess of the Sumerian underworld, and of course, that of Persephone, who is literally abducted by her uncle Hades (Pluto) and taken to the Great Below to occupy her place as the Goddess of the Underworld. These two stories that I have told countless times on this blog, hold the magnificent moral of the need to visit these dark places in order to find our true place in life.

The journey through darkness is also seen in The Lion King, when Rafiki takes Simba through a dark and thorny field until reaching a lake where the little lion king sees his father’s image reflected and then his own. A strenuous but indispensable journey of growth and evolution.

Mars, which was in conjunction with Saturn for the Total Solar Eclipse, has now left Saturn behind but is heading towards a conjunction with Neptune. A very different story since Mars in Pisces and in conjunction with the ruler of Pisces is where Mars is least himself, as this hero is not known as a great swimmer, especially not in the waters of Poseidon. This divine soldier functions better with weapons and on land, where he feels more confident and empowered. Ares has more muscle than principles, and in Pisces, we do not know how he can manifest or act. He might hide to avoid confrontation or run to mom, a sea nymph, or goddess for some, by the way.

Venus, now in Aries goes hand in hand with Eris, and together they can be a powerful and vengeful duo, entering into dispute with those who ignore or presume to control them but Chiron comes to rescue Aphrodite and also the goddess of Discord, helping them to find inner peace, if that is possible, or at least to exercise humility, a quality that both Aphrodite/Venus and Eris do not recognize as their own. Chiron has much to teach them, particularly making them understand that everyone does what they can with what they have been given, and that we cannot expect too much from someone who simply does not have the elements or tools to be better or to give us what we expect from them. Once Venus is called to compassion, the great Goddess of Beauty usually yields and connects with her better nature. Not sure about Eris, though.

The square of Pluto to the two luminaries also shows us this extremely important moment in human evolution, which comes at the hand of AI. A reminder that the Great Change is inevitable and we must continue evolving whether it is comfortable or not. This, reinforced by the Jupiter-Urano conjunction that occurs in Taurus, on the threshold of this Full Moon in Scorpio-Taurus. This speaks eloquently of the dilemma we have between the resistance of the Old Order to yield to the New, and we see this reflected in the United States elections, where the two candidates, although with different ideals and values, are representatives of an Old Order that is fading rapidly but with incredible resistance.

This will not be a typical romantic Full Moon, although the fascination that emanates from the magnetism of both Taurus and Scorpio can produce furtive and very sensual encounters. Endings are inevitable and the Lord of Darkness Hades/Pluto reminds us that despite personal dilemmas, the species continues, for now.

Let these moments of Mercury Retrograde pass with a Mars (also dispositor of this full moon) in Pisces and alongside the Lord of the Sea, and wait to make important decisions, until next month, when the storm will have calmed.

The winds of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction may be the necessary impulse to free ourselves from obsolete beliefs that have filled us with guilt and intolerance. Let’s listen to Chiron and learn tolerance.

The signs most affected are of course all the fixed signs: Taurus-Leo-Scorpio and Aquarius, which are the ones battling with these challenging energies. Wherever you have Taurus and Scorpio in your birth chart is where you will encounter the call of Hades.

For personal reading with me, you can go to: https://www.astrologiaarquetipica.com/private-readings/

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Have a wonderful full Moon.

Few hours after publishing this post the news about Iran’s drones hitting Israel was published.

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