FULL MOON en Sagittarius with the Venus-Júpiter conjunction holding hands with Neptune. May 23rd, 2024

A Full Moon with a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus truly sounds like summer nights with good food, good music, and excellent company. It would be hard to imagine anything negative if we only think of these two traditionally recognized benefics. Being in the sign that speaks of pleasure, enjoyment, and the experience of the senses, like Taurus, it is difficult to imagine a negative scenario. But of course, while this is real and a great possibility, nothing is that simple in life, and opposing forces always exist. We, mere mortals, swim in this sea of these conflicting currents, ALL THE TIME.

For this Full Moon, in the first degrees of the signs of Sagittarius (Moon) and Gemini (Sun), something urges us to explore the more open and curious side of our psyche. Sagittarius embodies the energy of optimism, adventure, the search for that which brings us closer to our truth, to our inner gods and goddesses, i.e., our faith, our philosophy of life. As the opposite sign to Gemini, which seeks lighter, less committed, more mundane interactions with more “variety” (which Gemini loves!) and without necessarily selecting or analyzing these new encounters; Sagittarius prefers to climb mountains in solitude to find their inner Buddha. Gemini learns from the opinions and knowledge of guests at a social dinner, while Sagittarius prefers to study and investigate in private. Gemini leans toward short and varied courses and “Masters”, whereas Sagittarius may dedicate their life to a single study and, if necessary, relocate to other parts of the world to continue learning from other cultures. A Fire sign and an Air sign—a strongly mental and optimistic combination.

On the other hand, an extraordinary cosmic combination occurs simultaneously as this lunation reaches its peak at the Full Moon. Venus and Jupiter unite in conjunction at the anaretic 29th degree of Taurus and in a sextile to Neptune, also at the anaretic 29º of Pisces, the sign it rules. Venus and Jupiter also form an out-of-sign conjunction with the Sun and an opposition to the Moon, reinforced by Pallas Athena in the last degrees of Scorpio. This famous anaretic degree clearly speaks of something concluding, and there are many interpretations of it. Having been born with my Ascendant at the anaretic degree of Capricorn, I can speak of my experience and my “destiny” to evoke the results of the negative and positive aspects of this Goat sign, but also of the quantum leap to the new (in my case Aquarius) that it entails.

At this historical moment, when we are all transitioning through the anaretic degree of Capricorn, since Pluto has been entering Aquarius and returning to this 29th degree of Cap for the past couple of years, coinciding with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, we all know that the advent of AI and chatbots like GPT is introducing us to this new Air dimension. It makes us aware of the conclusion of the Capricorn era, our attachment to the Earth element, and the absolute need to adapt to these new paradigms and ways of working, envisioning the future more consciously. Whether you know about Astrology or not, you surely feel this transition we are ALL experiencing.

This Full Moon, in some way, confronts us with another farewell that evokes these significant endings, of which we, the living, are fortunate to be part. Something urges us to learn to seek within ourselves, to learn to enjoy in a way that resonates with our “new” truth, our new way of seeing life, and above all, health. Perhaps the Taurus way of excess that this Jupiter in transit through this sign has shown us is undergoing a positive transformation, and at this moment, we understand that Pleasure and Excess do not have to go hand in hand. This Venus-Jupiter conjunction at 29º of Taurus asks us to reflect on this aspect of pleasure, where a fun night does not have to end with a three-day hangover. You can celebrate without so much alcohol and food, for example, learning to find pleasure in what does not destroy us.

This reminds me of incredible films from European creative cinema of the last century, such as La Grande Bouffe by the Italian director Marco Ferreri, from 1973, who was born with the Sun and Venus in Taurus, as well as Babette’s Feast written and directed by Gabriel Axel in 1987, the latter beautifully and romantically recounted by astrologer Christopher Renstrom on YouTube. These are magnificent expressions of Venus-Jupiter in Taurus. Axel was born with Mercury in Taurus and with a square between Venus in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini. Ahh! The fabulous cosmic coincidences!

This conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, by the way, will not be visible in the sky as it occurs when these two planets are hidden by the Sun, that is, on the other side, relative to us. They also form an extraordinary exact sextile with Neptune at the anaretic 29º degree of Pisces. Another extraordinary ending, as none of us alive today, roaming the surface of this planet we call “home,” will live through this passage of Neptune through its own sign again, nor have we experienced it before, due to the precious blue planet taking 165 years to orbit the Sun. Neptune is on its way to changing signs and conjoining with Saturn at 0º of Aries, something that has not occurred in this first Fire sign since 1703. Although this conjunction forms every 35 years or so, it is not always in the same sign. The last time it occurred was in 1989, in Capricorn, when the Berlin Wall fell and with it, the Soviet Union. But I will write about this in a forthcoming article. What I can say is that this sextile between the Venus-Jupiter conjunction and Neptune brings us to the brink of the new. It augurs another paradigm shift where the new will take shape, and we will have to adapt and, above all, define new manifestations of our experience in this life. Whatever your age, this is an impulse to RE-invent, RE-create ourselves, and open up to the new.

This Full Moon speaks of this transition regarding old ways of finding pleasure and brings us closer to the this Gate slowly opening to a new vision of life, without so much destruction, without so many struggles between the “old” and the “new,” simply helping us accept the cyclical nature of our existence, allowing us to go through these transitions without so much pain and death. At a time when the news only reflects death and destruction, we must heed this call to transform and reshape our ways. This also reflects the struggle between Globalization (Sagittarius) and the return to each tribe separately (Taurus). What are the benefits and harmful aspects of each stance, and what will we do with it?

Although Uranus is distant from the conjunction of the two benefics, it is close enough to be included in this opposition of Moon-Pallas to Sun-Venus-Jupiter-Uranus, which of course, reminds us that the future is here, and we have no choice but to respond to this call for RE-newal and acceptance of the new.

For this Full Moon in Sagittarius, Zeus (Jupiter) comes to rescue Aphrodite (Venus) to show her a less mundane and more meaningful way to enjoy and remind her that the pleasures of the flesh, albeit beautiful and worldly, are just one aspect of Pleasure. Meditating by the sea or a walk through a beautiful forest can be more pleasurable and meaningful, in addition to filling us with the magic of RE-connecting with the Goddess in our psyche, thus satisfying both the Body and the Soul.

The image was created by DALLE and my prompt.

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