FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS – August 20 and 21

Oscar Pistorius -1711471Interestingly, this is the second full moon in Aquarius, since last month’s one was too.The one on the 22nd of July was at 0º Aquarius and this one, tomorrow is at 28° of this sign opposite Leo, which is where the Sun is right now since July 22.
This is a Moon next to Nessus, the vengeful and abusive Centaur and Neptune and opposite the Sun (of course) which is located next to Mercury, Ceres and Vesta. The Archetypes of the asteroids shine in the heavens so that we take notice of the complexity of the human existence. The multiplicity of dimensions as our daily experience is difficult to grasp and this reminds us once again, that it is much easier to live within the same dimension all the time, ignoring the rest. But then a the full moon like this one comes along and suddenly everything is stirred and we wonder what is happening to us, what are these emotions that seem to erupt from the inside out and we don’t know how to read or much less control?
First and foremost this moon coincides with the fact that Jupiter from Cancer, just the next day, will make a square to Uranus, the first of three and we also know that whatever makes an aspect to Uranus, at this moment, it also does it to Pluto. Although the opposition to Pluto was already formed a few days ago, this contact to Uranus, re-enacts, re-vives the Urano-Pluto.
No doubt the situation in Egypt speaks loudly of it, as in Syria, or in the Arab world in general. But at the individual level, this is also a very important moment, as certain situation that we have been dealing with, in many cases, for years, have a new opportunity of review them, find a solution or at least a new idea to solve them. But it is also a brilliant opportunity so review our values, our intentions and above all, the costs of this struggles, not only financially but also emotionally. What or who is that we are struggling with? Is it worth our sorrow, is it worth to continue? Is the price of it simply too high? The case of Pistorius, the amputee runner who killed his girlfriend, in South Africa, was in Court today just on the eve of this full moon, although the trial will not be until March 2014, today Pistorius has officially been charged with premeditated murder.
As we have seen on several occasions with the Aquarius-Leo angle, I vs them. The great Them. The group, the tribe, the herd and I. The more I know, and more I change on the inside, the more I can affect the external changes, the group. These wars that we have at this moment in the world, are mostly tribal wars, where individuality disappears, is sacrificed for the needs of the herd. And while this is sometimes necessary, the balance between the two extremes is our only salvation.
This week we have been actually living the negative side of Jupiter, the exaggerated idealism, the emotional overflow and of water (Cancer), flooding can be heard in the news everywhere. Jupiter activating the square Urano-Pluto is being felt, with Venus quickly approaching from Libra to form a Grand Cross with these three planets and that will be exact on 25, 26 and 27 of this month. Emotions soar, situations ask for a solution, simply because we can not hide under the rug or table anymore. Everything about Libra and Venus has to do with human relations. Do we have the ability to put ourselves in the place of the other?, at least for a few moments?
Jupiter also maintains for few more days the Grand Trine to Neptune and Saturn, a sense that everything will be, what should be, supports us and reassures us. Still. how to decide which is the best option? One thing is certain: none of us can make the other love us the way we want to be loved, nor can we save who is unwilling to be saved, not even our own children. But the only thing we can not only do, but must do is to save ourselves, removing everything from our lives that thwarts our growth.
This full moon falls very close to Uranus in the birthchart of all those born in the years 1962-63, triggering the need to rid oneself of that which is represented by the House where Uranus is in the chart. This group of people are also born with Neptune in Scorpio, and are therefore experiencing the transit of Saturn over that Neptune. In reality this happens to all those born between 1957-70. If they are also born the last 10 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, then this full moon will be stirring a few issues that need to be expressed and projected inside out, from the depths of the soul.

When we start to feel some discomfort or anxiety, it is best to first remember that these 2 or 3 days before the full moon, are the most powerful and once the Moon reaches its peak, which will happen tomorrow night and early morning on wednesday, the anxiety will come down, so relax, but, what we must not do is to waste the experience, and we must ask ourserlves what is our soul trying to communicate that should be communicated somehow.
The Moon in conjunction to Neptune stimulates our imagination and puts us in contact with our deepest longings. What do you yearn for, or feel nostalgia for? These are the questions which we should find answers to. The proximity to Nessus, connects us with that part of our being that feels abused, powerless, which connects us with feelings of revenge and hatred. Remember, no one has power over us unless we grant it. Search inside yourself,find your inner power and use it, with peace and harmony. The Sun from Leo next to Mercury, Ceres and Vesta, reminds us that what we seek out to feel safe and protected is within ourselves. This place we are looking for is called acceptance and it exists only in the depths of our being. If I accept myself, I will accept others. If it sounds cliche is because it is, but is also true.
Enjoy this Aquarius Full Moon and comment on your experience.

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